Childhood is a journey, not a race to the next notification; let's guide our kids down the path less scrolled.

Untethered Childhood’s Mission

Our mission is to champion the well-being of the children our community, the Town of Lyons, by advocating for a delayed introduction to smart devices and social media, ensuring that our children's formative years are enriched with real-life experiences and connections.

Why 16?

Waiting until the age of 16 to introduce smartphones and social media is crucial for healthy mental and emotional development. During these formative years, children's brains are still developing critical skills in empathy, problem-solving, and attention that can be adversely affected by early exposure to digital screens. Delaying the introduction of these technologies allows for deeper social interactions and stronger real-life connections, helping to prevent anxiety and depression associated with early social media use. By setting this boundary, we ensure that our children's first encounters with the digital world are mature, mindful, and well-informed.

The Statistics

Research reveals significant impacts of early smartphone and social media use on teens, including increased risks of depression and anxiety. Studies indicate that excessive screen time can hinder brain development, affecting attention, learning, and emotional regulation. Alarmingly, there is a correlation between early social media exposure and rising rates of teen depression and suicide. By choosing to delay smartphone use, we can protect our children’s mental health and support their overall well-being, helping them develop into resilient and confident individuals.

Why Now?

The time to act is now. By uniting as a community to sign this pledge, we can collectively shield our children from the premature pressures and mental health risks associated with early smartphone and social media use. The more families that participate, the stronger our impact—creating a community standard that prioritizes the health and development of all our children. Together, we can forge a supportive environment that nurtures growth and resilience, making a profound difference in the lives of our young ones. Join us today, and be a part of this pivotal movement in Lyons.

Our Partners

Top tech leaders in Silicon Valley are choosing to wait until their children are teens before allowing them to use smartphones for a reason.

Contact Us

Feel free to contact us with any questions or concerns.